AYA Stories
You are very good I cannot find the words to express my thanks to you because you are my support in this life and your reward will be given to you on the day of the resurrection. All my prayers and douas are for Allah to give you more than you gain and if you have children let them be pious children inchallah. May Allah accept my douas and accept your good deeds and weigh down your scale because you are sponsoring an orphan. Your reward to Allah will be immense praise to Allah.
AMELE’s story
I can’t express everything I feel as feeling, tenderness and gratitude. I can’t find the words to express to you all that you have done for me. Thanks to God and your generosity, I was able to have a serene, stable life and I was able to continue my studies with confidence because I had a godfather as a father who allowed me to have a better life. May Allah reward you and enlighten your life and may paradise be your eternal home. You are a wonderful being and father.
Story of MOUSSA
It is with great joy that I write this letter of thanks to you to express my gratitude for your great generosity towards me, and I pray to Allah from the bottom of my heart that he will bring you health, peace and protect you from all evil. Your financial help is a relief and a key to happiness for me and my family. May Allah bless you and give you a long life. Thank you